Two Shipments to Ukraine To Help So Many in Need
Recently the Norfolk warehouse volunteers loaded two shipments for Ukraine. First one was loaded with 12,012 Mercy Meals, blankets, medical equipment, bikes and other aid for “Religious Community” Christian Church in Dnipro. The second shipment contained 42,768 Mercy Meals, hygiene supplies, 432 Luci solar lights and other aid for Charity Fund “Modern Village and Town”…
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Maui Wildfire Relief
Orphan Grain Train has distributed our first air-cargo shipment of requested food, water, wheelchairs and other items to Maui on Tuesday, August 22, 2023! Rev. Ralph Schmidt, OGT’s Director of Donor Advising and Chris Singer; Lutheran Church Charities, was in Maui working with Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Kahului, Maui and helped distribute OGT’s relief aid…
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Wonderful Volunteers Loaded Container for Latvia
The Norfolk warehouse volunteers in Nebraska worked quickly this morning loading a shipping container for Latvia. Fonds Saules kalns will soon be receiving 280 Christmas Gift boxes, medical supplies, bikes, hygiene supplies and other aid to share with many in need. Thanks be to God!
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Much Needed Aid Will Soon Arrive in Latvia
Central Nebraska Branch volunteers loaded bikes, school kits, medical equipment, hygiene supplies, diapers, clothing and bedding for Latvia. Pastor Eglitis with Biedriba Gaujasliei in Latvia is excited to receive the goods to share with many in need, the homeless and those attending summer camps. Thank you, donors and volunteers!
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Disaster Relief Items for Maui Collected for OGT
Mary Martha Circle at Faith Lutheran Church in Sioux City, IA did an amazing job raising $890.00 in a few hours to purchase items on the ‘Needs List’ for Maui! They were having an OGT truck coming to pick up 10 pallets of Mercy Meals and wanted to include these items to take back to…
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Ground Breaking Ceremony Enjoyed by Many
OGT’s Groundbreaking Ceremony was attended by many on Thursday, September 14, 2023. There was a short service lead by Rev. Ralph Schmidt, OGT’s Donor Advising, and Matthew 25: 31-46 was read by Pastor Chris Asbury with Grace Lutheran Church(photo above). Pastor Ray Wilke; OGT’s President and founder, gave the homily and was first to ‘break…
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70 Hygiene Kits Packed at Presentation and Dinner
Fifty seniors at Christ Lutheran Church in Lincoln attended a dinner and OGT presentation by Kathy Carter August 27, 2023. Wendy Herrold helped write a Thrivent Action Team grant and they were able to pack 70 hygiene kits for OGT.
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Hope and Care for Children in Liberia Anticipate Arrival of Shipment
Hope and Care for Children, Inc in Liberia are excited to soon be receiving 71,280 Mercy Meals, Bibles, children’s shoes and summer clothes, recreational uniforms, bikes, student chairs & desks and class room tables from some happy-serving volunteers at the Norfolk warehouse in Nebraska. What wonderful gifts for the children.
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PLAEP in Zambia Grateful for Shipment
This video was made by PLAEP in Zambia of distributing their first OGT shipment of Mercy Meals, Bibles, blankets & clothing from the Norfolk warehouse. They help underserved families with economic empowerment, education and health initiatives. They were so grateful to receive the food and aid for the students and families.
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