Month:  April 2024

New Warehouse Manager Welcomed Aboard

OGT would like to introduce Steve Fehrs, the new warehouse manager for Norfolk warehouse. Steve started this week training under Doug Trampe. His work history includes both sales and warehouses and some logistics. He has been married for 29 years to Melissa and they have one daughter Amber. Steve enjoys cooking, traveling and taking his…

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Longtime Warehouse Manager Retires

After 19 years as OGT’s Norfolk warehouse manager, Doug Trampe has retired. The Norfolk Public School Transitional students volunteer every Wednesday and presented Doug with a fun tribute. Thank you, Doug, for all you have done for OGT and for the volunteers throughout the years! You will be missed by many!

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1,900 Fence Posts Delivered to Texas

OGT purchased & delivered 1,900 wooden fence posts for ranchers in Texas that had posts destroyed in the recent wildfires. They are in desperate need of these to corral livestock that survived. Thank you, OGT donors for your support of Texas disaster relief aid. OGT has funded 3 loads of hay bales for ranchers in…

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