
Ground Breaking Ceremony Enjoyed by Many

OGT’s Groundbreaking Ceremony was attended by many on Thursday, September 14, 2023. There was a short service lead by Rev. Ralph Schmidt, OGT’s Donor Advising, and Matthew 25: 31-46 was read by Pastor Chris Asbury with Grace Lutheran Church(photo above). Pastor Ray Wilke; OGT’s President and founder, gave the homily and was first to ‘break ground’ (first photo below). Several groups followed with breaking ground starting with the OGT board members, Davis Design, Otte Construction, Norfolk City officials, OGT staff (photo below) and OGT managers from various branches and collection centers. After the ceremony, Norfolk Mayor Josh Moening shared a few words about the impact OGT has on the community and how he visited Malawi where OGT has shipped food and aid to his friend Bishop Harvey and congregation and also to Joe Mtika with Norfolk Schools of Malawi. The ceremony ended with a ‘Thank You to supporters and volunteers’ from OGT’s VP Grant Schmidt (bottom photo). Lunch was served after the ceremony.

Categories: Branch Updates, New Warehouse Facility

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