
July Christmas Gift Box Event a Success

Pictured Left to right: Ken Weber- OGT Volunteer and Epiphany member, Jean Weber-OGT-Phoenix Volunteer Coordinator and Epiphany Outreach member, Pastor James Hoefer-Epiphany Outreach member, Paul Beyer- Epiphany Outreach Board Chairman and Karen Wilson-Epiphany Outreach Board member.
Epiphany Lutheran Church-Chandler, AZ and OGT’s Phoenix Branch partnered for the third year, to share HIS love with little ones with a Christmas in July Christmas Gift Box event, for Family Care KIDS (preschool), a ministry of Christian Family Care in Phoenix. Children enrolled are ages 6 weeks to 5 years from families in need, trauma based and those in foster placement. The members of Epiphany Lutheran Chandler created 96 boxes and the boxes were dedicated at Epiphany Lutheran Church on Sunday, July 14. The church service included four favorite Christmas hymns and the children of the congregation were invited to a children’s sermon. The boxes were delivered to the preschool on July 15.

Categories: Branch Updates

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