
God Has A Plan

This is a touching story that unfolded because a wrong GPS directive sent OGT staff to a wrong address in N.C. Recently OGT’s President; Pastor Ray Wilke, OGT’s Logistic Director; Brent Kummer, & Bauer Underground; Stu Bauer were driving in NC to meet Tony Ratcliff & Nathan West with Fuller Disaster Rebuilders when the GPS took them to a wrong house. The house obviously had severe damage from the flooding and not livable. Stu and Pastor Wilke got out thinking this was where they were meeting the Fuller people when Tina, the owner of the house, appeared and they start to talk. She shared how her house is not livable and was rummaging through what was left. Then the people from Fuller Rebuilders found them and Nathan West got out of his truck and Tina began to cry and they hugged. Now for the rest of the story; during the flood, Tina was at Black Mountain and needed to get to her chemo treatment at Old Fort. Nathan, a complete stranger, drove her around the flooding to her needed appointment and she had not seen him since. She is a single mom fighting breast cancer and taking regular chemo treatments. Now OGT is learning of the struggles this young lady has and Pastor Wilke, on behalf of OGT, gave her a check for $1,000.00. But the best part of this story is that The OGT crew went back later and the video is of Pastor Wilke giving Tina an additional check for $10,000.00 to help with expenses of all she is facing with loss of house, medical bills and a car that is needing some TLC too. And all of this occurred because of the wrong yet right GPS directives. God had a plan with OGT’s visit to NC.

Categories: Disaster Relief

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