Showing all posts by Tessa Travers

Goods Delivered to Kentucky

Maryland Branch volunteers in Millersville delivered a semi-trailer full of medical equipment, diapers, blankets and various clothing to Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) in Kentucky. CAP assists families living in poverty in several states.

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Volunteers Help Sort and Pack

April 16, 2024–During “volunteer day” held by employees of the LCMS International Center, volunteers came to the St. Louis site (Missouri-Illinois branch) and also to one of the congregational distribution sites nearby at St. John’s Lutheran Church, St. Louis, to provide active muscles in the various tasks needed to be tackled, including sorting and preparing…

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Food and Aid Delivered to The Way in Kentucky

The Way Community Center in Wingo, KY was grateful to receive several cases of water, 2,600 pounds of various foods, 14,256 Food for Kidz meals, hygiene supplies, sleeping mats, medical equipment, bikes, school kits and other needed items to share with many families in need. Thank you, Wisconsin Branch donors & volunteers!

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Aid Distributed in Liberia

Hope and Care for Children, Inc in Liberia was thrilled to receive aid from Norfolk warehouse in Nebraska. Distribution of clothes, shoes and blankets were recently shared with members of churches and communities. The Bibles went to 8 districts throughout Liberia that were greatly needed and appreciated. Thank you, Norfolk donors and volunteers for blessing…

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Many In Need After Tornado

On Wednesday, April 10, Slidell, LA was hit by an EF-2 tornado that wreaked havoc on this town that has survived hurricanes but never a tornado like this. Many buildings and homes were damaged with cars overturned leaving residents traumatized. OGT’s Field Work Director Pete Gnan happened to be in a neighboring town working with…

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