Showing all posts by Tessa Travers

5,510 Hats Knitted for OGT Over the Years

Myrna Spilker from Plymouth, Ne. and her sons Steve and Doug toured OGT Lincoln Collection Center and donated a box of knitted stocking hats. Myrna has been knitting for 80 years and since she started counting several years ago she has knit 5,510 hats for Orphan Grain Train recipients to keep them warm! Praise God!

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Shipment Destined for Ukraine

OGT recently shipped to a new recipient in Ukraine; “Charismatic Religious Community of the Full Gospel” which provides support to individuals on hospice, those disabled, blind and deaf. They are anxiously waiting for sleeping mats, medical equipment, blankets and winter clothing. Thank you, Norfolk warehouse donors & volunteers, in Nebraska.

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5 Weeks Until Dedication of New Warehouse

So close! A mere 5 weeks until Houston Branch volunteers dedicate their new building March 23 at 3:00pm. Excitement mounts everytime we walk through the new Servant Center to check on construction progress. Ceiling is hung, tile laid, walls painted. Still waiting for the porcelain bathroom fixtures…that will be a good sign the end is…

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