Showing all posts by Tessa Travers

Giving Tuesday Blessings

Thank You! Together We Made A Difference Giving Tuesday On Giving Tuesday, Nov. 28, Orphan Grain Train partnered with Thrivent to raise funds to help families that have lost everything in Maui.  Our donors and supporters ARE THE BEST!  You generously gave $109,043.00 in donations!  This amount did not seem possible but with God it…

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Many Helped By Aid Received

Toi Carter, our partner in New Orleans, recently received various food, disaster relief supplies, hygiene kits, blankets and cleaning supplies ready to be used for upcoming disasters. Lincoln Collection Center in Nebraska collected most of the cleaning supplies which were divided up with food and taken to Mississippi for disaster relief efforts there.

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Many Help to Make Special Projects

Many have been busy making special projects for OGT’s South Dakota Collection Center in Milbank! More that 200 baby quilts were donated by a local resident. They also had Mercy Meals packing event which many organizations came to help and meals were donated. Mt. Olive LWML in Watertown, SD brought in many quilts again. They…

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Aid Received in Republic of Georgia Bless Many

Lots of wonderful gifts and medical equipment and supplies were distributed in Republic of Georgia shipped from Wichita Branch donors and volunteers! Some of the clothing was shared with families in need and aid, blankets and clothing were given to many at a nursing home. Love the smiles on the faces. Praise be to God!

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Orphan Grain Train’s 70th Country Will Soon Receive Aid

New England Branch volunteers have shipped to OGT’s 70th country, the latest being Senegal, Africa! The new recipient is Caritas which is a Christian organization helping to develop humankind through access of water and sanitation, production, migration management and advocacy for human rights. They are excited to be receiving bikes, school supplies, various medical equipment…

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