Showing all posts by Tessa Travers

A Well Spent Spring Break

by Gerald Perschbacher, LLD. Preparation of a shipment from the Orphan Grain Train branch in St. Louis, Missouri, to Latvia, received a boost in mid-March, thanks to a motivated bunch of youth who spent Spring Break in mission work.  Volunteers came from the Wichita, Kansas, area and were organized by three adult leaders under the…

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New Recipient Excited for Shipment to Arrive

A new recipient, PLAEP – Placement for Life Advancement & Education Promotion in Zambia is grateful to soon be receiving 71,280 Mercy Meals, English Bibles, blankets, recreational clothing, uniforms, folding chairs, feminine hygiene kits (from Sandi Helm’s group Dignity 4 Girls), mobility carts, bicycles, solar ovens, school furnishings and treadle sewing machines. They are a…

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