Middle School in Kramer Assemble 95 Hygiene Kits for OGT
Chris and her son, Nick brought in 95 hygiene kits from the youth at the middle school and St. John Lutheran Church in Kramer, NE. Chris used a Thrivent Action Team for seed money and the proceeds from Easter service meal helped to purchase the supplies. Thank you for these much-needed kits to ship for…
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Wonderful Volunteers Load Aid for Manna From Heaven in Kentucky
New England Branch volunteers in Terryville, CT delivered 8,200 pounds of food to Manna from Heaven to help them with their meal program to feed hungry families of Kentucky. They also delivered Bibles, bedding home furnishings, diapers, medical supplies, toys and sewing supplies. What wonderful gifts for many families living in poverty – thank you,…
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NAHA Grateful for Aid Received
Norfolk warehouse recently delivered two shipments of various foods to Native American Heritage Association (NAHA) in Black Hawk, SD. Wisconsin Branch was able to deliver sleeping mats, bedding, blankets, hygiene items, toys and other aid to NAHA which serves many, many families on various reservations in two states.
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Homeless Shelter in Copperas Cove Texas Grateful for Aid Received
OGT’s Highland Lakes Collection Center volunteers in Texas delivered medical supplies, stuffed animals, household items, clothing and bedding to a new recipient in Copperas Cove, TX. The Cove House, a homeless shelter for individuals and families was thrilled to receive the items. Thank you, Central Nebraska volunteers and donors for showing love to these families…
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Thank you N.P.P.D.
A very large, special ordered electrical pole has been carefully installed! It is being dropped in a 15’ hole by a crane, which is not shown. We are in the process of having the electrical poles taken down around the Norfolk warehouse and where the new addition is being built. As soon as this is…
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CAP in Kentucky Grateful for Aid Delivered
Maryland Branch volunteers delivered 1,170 boxes of bedding and various clothing to CAP – Christian Appalachian Project in Paintsville, KY. CAP assists families in several states that are facing hard times either through poverty or natural disasters.
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