Showing all posts by Tessa Travers

Aid Collected Will Help Many in Florida

OGT’s Ohio location collected items for cleanup and relief efforts for Hurricane Ian. Items will be distributed through NALC Disaster Response and LCMS – LERT (Lutheran Early Response Team) to people in need in St. Petersburg, Estero, Port Charlotte and Fort Myers, Florida.

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Aid Arrives in Kyrgyzstan

Aid shipped from Wisconsin Branch in Westfield was distributed to orphanages, hospitals, homes for the elderly, the disabled and families in need in Kyrgyzstan. The first two pictures were from an orphanage where a bike is special to have and the sewing machine will be used to learn to sew and earn extra money. The…

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Precious Smiles of Appreciation

Rev. Valdas Miliauskas, Director of the Psichotery Rehabilitation Center Gabrielius and has parishes in Vyziai, Lithuania shared these photos with us. This was a shipment from OGT’s Castle Rock location in Colorado. What precious smiles from the children. He also deliverers aid and food into Ukraine to support the crisis there.

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