Browsing Category: Branch Updates

Confirmation Class Lend Helping Hands

The 8th grade Confirmation Class from First Plymouth UCC Church had a “Serve” day in the Lincoln community and volunteered at OGT-Lincoln Collection Center in the morning and then packed 11,448 Mercy Meals with Mercy Meals of Lincoln in the evening. Ella Wiles is their Youth Director.

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Layette Kits and Quilts Delivered

Perry and Connie Wilson of Trinity Lutheran Church, Glenwood, IA came to the Lincoln Collection Center with 10 layette kits and 10 quilts to donate! Connie made the layette kits and ladies at Trinity made the quilts. Connie also volunteers in the medical supply room, sorting, counting and packing medical supplies to be sent around…

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Bible Study Group Help Make Hygiene Kits

Tom Watson, OGT’s Donor Relation Specialist, recently met with a small group of ladies at their weekly Bible Study and gave a demonstration of putting together Hygiene Kits. He presented the story and current work of Orphan Grain Train. They completed 11 kits and decided to share the kits with a local organization in need…

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