Thank You!
Giving Tuesday was a Success! Thank you to everyone who supported our cause to Feed the Hungry! We were able to raise $22,748.35 for purchasing product to make Mercy Meals. With your generosity, we will be able to plan big with our first meal packing event at our new Servant Center coming up this June. …
Read MoreThrivent Match Blesses Many
‘Thank you!’ to everyone that generously gave toward Thrivent’s Match for OGT’s hurricane relief efforts. We are humbled and beyond words with $385,200.00 being donated and Thrivent will add another $192,600.00 for a Grand Total of $577,800.00! Thank you! This says more about how we feel & care for the families whose lives were devastated…
Read MoreDisaster Relief Efforts for Hurricane Helene
The brutal force of the massive storm in N. Carolina and surrounding states has left unbelievable destruction and death behind. Hundreds of miles of roads were destroyed along with having no power, running water or cell phone reception in several states. We are currently working with Fuller Center Disaster Rebuilders, whom we have partnered with…
Read MoreA Memorable Dedication & Convention!
Orphan Grain Train New Servant Center Dedication & International Convention was inspiring and attended by hundreds. Videos from Dedication & Convention Click the button to view videos events & speakers from September 13 & 14. Friday’s Dedication Service, Ceremony and reception was attended by nearly 400 people, some as far away as California and Maryland! …
Read MoreWar Continues in Ukraine
Orphan Grain Train received these heartbreaking pictures below from one of our recipients in Ukraine. Charitable Foundation Swedish Help Centre is assisting Ukrainians that have been traumatized from this horrific humanitarian crisis. OGT has shipped several containers of aid and food into Ukraine with more planned in the future. Please continue to pray for all…
Read MoreDisaster Relief for NE, IA & OK
We Need Your Help for Tornado Disaster Relief Supplies Orphan Grain Train is working with organizations accessing the damage from the destructive tornadoes that ripped through parts of Nebraska, Iowa and Oklahoma recently. The outpour of help from communities and organizations has been amazing and clean up is underway with retrieving of personal items. We…
Read MoreDanke – Thank you!
Orphan Grain Train would like to Give a Big ‘Thank You’ to everyone that came out to ‘Oktoberfest in May’ Thank you to our generous and dedicated donors! I think this was a record Big Give for gifts this year. We raised $13,009.00 for families devastated by the recent tornadoes in Elkhorn, NE and surrounding…
Read MoreThrivent Match A Success
Thrivent ‘s Match for NE Nebraska Tornado Relief Ended July 1, 2024 Thank you to donors that took advantage of Thrivent’s Match to increase your impact with every $2 donated Thrivent matched $1. We were able to raise $42,345.00 in donations plus Thrivents Match of $21,067.00 for a Total of $63,202.00 for Tornado Relief! OGT…
Read MoreOGT’s Online Quilt Auction
OGT’s Online Quilt Auction is Open for Bids! OGT is excited to offer the Silent Quilt Auction to be Online this year. Anyone in the U.S. can bid on these 41 beautiful quilts! You can bid now on the quilts by clicking the button below. The bidding ends 2:00 pm Saturday, September 14. All Proceeds…
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