Browsing Category: International Aid

Aid Will Soon Arrive in Latvia

Seventeen volunteers loaded 1,357 boxes of clothes, 30 bikes and lots of medical equipment headed for the Lutheran Church in Saldus, Latvia. Volunteers not pictured are Rick Brindle, Ken Johnson, Mark Miller, David Menges, and Garry Fuller. All the volunteers did a great job of loading in temperatures in the 90’s. A special thanks is…

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Aid Destined for Liberia Will Help Those in Need

North Dakota Branch volunteers in Jamestown were busy loading 5,500 pounds of various foods, 44,712 Mercy Meals, Bibles, church furnishings, student desks, school supplies and other aid to Liberia. Joe Boway with Lutheran Churches & Schools for the underprivileged is thrilled to be receiving the goods for the students and congregation to use! Thank you,…

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