Food and Aid Delivered to Cornerstone Children’s Ranch in Texas
Cornerstone Children’s Ranch in Quemado, TX was grateful to receive 103,680 Food for Kidz meals, nearly 1,500 pounds of various foods, sewing machines with supplies, school supplies and other goods to share with many families in need along the border. Thank you, Wisconsin Branch donors & volunteers!
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Beautiful Dresses Perfect for Prom in Latvia
These beautiful dresses were donated by Castle Rock Collection Center along with other aid to Fonds Saules kaln in Smiltene, Latvia. They were thrilled to receive the dresses and the young ladies were all smiles feeling glamorous for prom! What special memories being made!
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Aid Delivered to Rhonde Island Will Soon Sail to Liberia
New England branch volunteers delivered hygiene items, sewing machines & supplies, school desks & kits, and medical equipment to St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Providence, RI. These items will then be shipped to Gbarnga Lutheran Mission Project in Liberia to bless many children and families in their education, food, hygiene and medical assistance programs.
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Volunteers Help Sort and Pack
April 16, 2024–During “volunteer day” held by employees of the LCMS International Center, volunteers came to the St. Louis site (Missouri-Illinois branch) and also to one of the congregational distribution sites nearby at St. John’s Lutheran Church, St. Louis, to provide active muscles in the various tasks needed to be tackled, including sorting and preparing…
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Aid Destined for Panama
Central Nebraska Branch volunteers in Grand Island loaded medical equipment, school desks & supplies, diapers and other aid for Church of God of Prophecy in Panama. Many gifts for families and children living in severe poverty.
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Wonderful Volunteers Thrilled to Load Container Destined for Romania
Wichita Branch volunteers were thrilled to load 1,565 boxes of various aid along with medical equipment for Foundation of the Blind in Romania. The Foundation has a blind school but also serves many families living in extreme poverty. Thank you, Wichita donors and volunteers for being the hands & feet of Jesus!
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Please Keep Bags or Boxes of Donations Under 35 Pounds
Thank you for your donations dropped off at OGT locations but please remember to have the bags/boxes not too heavy for our volunteers to carry (35 lb. limit). If it is difficult for you to get them out of your car or to carry then it is too much for our retired volunteers to handle….
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Homemade Bread Baked in Donated Oven
Orphan Grain Train received this ‘thank you’ video from Vitaliy Kukrin in Ukraine. He was able to get an oven that was donated by Orphan Grain Train for families that were recently controlled by Russia in Snihurivka. They are grateful to bake fresh bread to share with many. Thank you, Orphan Grain Trainsupporters!
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Thank you Received from Ukraine
OGT received this ‘thank you’ video from Vitaliy Kukrin in Ukraine. He was able to get an oven that was donated by OGT for families that were recently controlled by Russia in Snihurivka. They are grateful to bake fresh bread to share with many. Thank you, OGT supporters!
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