
Disaster Relief for NE, IA & OK

We Need Your Help for Tornado Disaster Relief Supplies

Orphan Grain Train is working with organizations accessing the damage from the destructive tornadoes that ripped through parts of Nebraska, Iowa and Oklahoma recently.  The outpour of help from communities and organizations has been amazing and clean up is underway with retrieving of personal items.

We are working with Omaha Rapid Response Team and Bethany Lutheran Church in Elkhorn with delivering two containers to the church to be used for storage (4-30-2024).  One container will be filled with wheel barrels, rakes, gloves, and other requested donated supplies.

At this time, the following items are being requested, which we are accepting at our Norfolk Warehouse, 606 W. Phillip Ave. Norfolk, Nebraska (M-F 9-4pm).

Cleaning supplies
Diapers (infant & adult)
Utility cords, extension cords
Phone chargers
Nonperishable foods
Plastic tubs (totes)
Five gallon buckets
If you would like to give toward relief efforts for purchasing needed supplies and transportation costs, you can donate online below:
(Write in Comments box Tornado Relief)
You can also mail a check to:
Orphan Grain Train
P.O. Box 1466
Norfolk, NE 68702



Categories: Current Relief Efforts, Disaster Relief

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