
Many Enjoy A Day of Fun and Fellowship

OGT’s Phoenix Branch recently participated in the Best Practices in Ministry (BPM) conference in February. We displayed information about OGT and shared the OGT story to conference attendees. There were 2,800 attendees present at the conference. BPM, which stands for Best Practices in Ministry, is a conference hosted by Christ Church Lutheran for over 10 years. “This conference to remind professional and lay church workers that you are loved, you are not alone, and you matter.” We also participated in break-out sessions, visited the many exhibiters, met new friends and caught up with old friends. On the last day of the conference, Concordia University-Nebraska held a drawing and Phoenix OGT won a grill! We will be sure to attend next year! OGT also had volunteers from our Minnesota South Branch attend. The conference had an energetic atmosphere of enthusiastic people!

Categories: Branch Updates

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