Justice for All Apperciate Aid Delivered
Iowa West Branch volunteers delivered diapers, sleeping mats, quilts, hygiene supplies, medical equipment and bikes to Justice for All in Rock Valley, IA. They will share the goods with those in need in the name of Jesus. Praise be to God!
Read MoreHuge Thank You to Julie Mefford
Sharon Irwin, Iowa West Branch Manager, wants to give a Huge “Thank You!” to Julie Mefford for her 15 years of volunteer service as Treasurer of their branch! Your professionalism & being meticulous in this position has been appreciated. You will be missed! Julie recently resigned because of health issues.
Read MoreAid Loaded For Republic of Georgia
Iowa West Branch volunteers were busy loading teacher & school kits, hygiene supplies, medical equipment and other aid headed for Republic of Georgia. Thank you for sharing Christ’s love to many in need!
Read MoreShipment Of Aid Distributed in Latvia
Distribution has begun of Iowa West Branch in Ida Grove shipment to Cesis, Latvia! Praise be to God!
Read MoreShipment Unloaded in Latvia Will Soon Help Many
Aid from Iowa West Branch in Ida Grove has arrived and was unloaded at Biedriba Gaujaslici in Cesis, Latvia. Distribution to many families and homeless people will begin soon. Praise be to God!
Read MoreAid Will Soon Arrive to Help Many in Latvia
Biedriba Gaujaslici in Cesis, Latvia will soon be receiving school and hygiene kits, medical equipment, various clothing and quilts to share with many in need. The goods were sorted, packed and loaded from volunteers & donors at Iowa West Branch in Ida Grove.
Read MoreAid Given Locally to Help Those in Need
During the month of March, Iowa West Branch in Ida Grove delivered bedding, blankets, clothing and other items to organizations locally that help families in need. Thank you, Iowa West donors & volunteers!
Read MoreSmiles on Many Faces in Republic of Georgia
More distribution photos from Iowa West Branch shipment to Republic of Georgia. Many of the families are Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) whom had to leave their homes and jobs due to war. These families make the best of the living conditions and lack of employment. Thank you, Iowa West volunteers and donors for sharing the…
Read MoreOrganizations in Iowa Who Help Others Receive Aid
Central Iowa Branch volunteers shared quilts and clothing with many organizations in Iowa that assist families and the elderly.
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