Browsing Tag: Lincoln

5,510 Hats Knitted for OGT Over the Years

Myrna Spilker from Plymouth, Ne. and her sons Steve and Doug toured OGT Lincoln Collection Center and donated a box of knitted stocking hats. Myrna has been knitting for 80 years and since she started counting several years ago she has knit 5,510 hats for Orphan Grain Train recipients to keep them warm! Praise God!

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10,800 Mercy Meals Packed

For the third year in a row the Cub Scout Pack 324 family came out during the holiday season to work together to do amazing things! In record time for the pack and with a record number of participants, made 10,800 meals with Mercy Meals of Lincoln to help fight global hunger. This project is…

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Much Needed Supplies Delivered

Steve Manche from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Fairview, KS delivered a truck load of much needed supplies to the OGT Lincoln Collection Center. The cab was packed with beautiful quilts while the bed was full of school and hygiene kits. Thank you to Steve and the members of St. Paul’s for their generous servant…

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Quilts and Hygiene Kits Donated

Kay & Bob Marshall from OGT’s Lincoln Collection Center was invited to speak after service at Christ Lutheran Church in Falls City, their sister congregation, St. Paul’s Lutheran of rural Falls City was also invited to attend. The Marshall’s shared about OGT & the Lincoln location then enjoyed a potluck luncheon. An offering was gathered,…

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Open House a Wonderful Success

OGT’s Lincoln Collection Center had a great turnout for their Open House last Saturday. Lunch was provided with pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, chips, delicious homemade desserts & assorted beverages. Tours and presentations were given about everything that this location keeps busy with and about OGT. Thank you to all the volunteers that helped plan,…

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Partnership A Huge Blessing

A huge blessing for the Lincoln collection center. Bargain Box, a thrift store in Beatrice, NE donates clothing to us every 2 weeks. We take our truck & trailer to exchange 12 empty laundry carts for 12 full ones. Most of the clothing, quilts and sleeping mats are sorted and placed in the totes for…

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