Container Full of Food Will Feed Thousands in Guatamala
Global Community Outreach in Guatemala is anxiously waiting for 17,500 pounds of dried edible white kidneys beans, 76,032 Kids Against Hunger meals & 85,536 Mercy Meals to feed thousands of hungry individuals living in poverty. Thank you, OGT supporters and donors!
Read MorePine Ridge Indian Reservation Blessed With Aid
OGT delivered 1,080 Mercy Meals, boxes of clothing and hygiene kits for Gus Lieske, who will take the items to the reservation at Wanblee, SD. Many blessings for families in that community.
Read MoreNorfolk Schools in Malawi Excited for Shipment to Arrive
Norfolk Schools in Malawi with Joe Mtika will soon be receiving 71,280 Mercy Meals, bikes, solar ovens, school books & furnishings, sleeping mats and various clothing from the Norfolk Warehouse in Nebraska. They are anxious to receive the much-needed food and the many learning items for the students. To God be the Glory!
Read MoreYsleta Mission Grateful for Aid to Share
Rev. Carl Heimer at Ysleta Mission was grateful to receive 3,240 Mercy meals, medical equipment, children’s items and clothing to serve many in need.
Read MoreAid Delivered to LALM in Laredo Texas
Norfolk warehouse volunteers loaded a semi-trailer full of various foods for Laredo, Texas. Latin American Lutheran Mission (LALM) will share the food with many families and use at their facility. Thank you, OGT donors, for helping to feed the hungry.
Read MoreRecipient from Ukraine Visits Orphan Grain Train National Office
Vitaliy Smolin with Smolin Ministries in Ukraine visited OGT Headquarters and toured the Norfolk warehouse in Nebraska. He was in the US for other business and wanted learn more about our operation and shared conditions and needs in Ukraine. His Ministry has received 10 containers of aid from OGT since the invasion started. He is…
Read MoreMercy Meals and Other Aid Delivered to New Mexico
Trinity Navajo Bible Church in Thoreau, NM was thrilled to receive 39,096 Mercy Meals, bolts of sewing fabric and various clothing and accessories from the Norfolk warehouse volunteers and donors. The meals and goods along with Scripture will serve many in need!
Read MoreVine International in Guatamala Looking Forward to Meals En Route
Norfolk warehouse volunteers were busy loading 256,608 Mercy Meals for Vine International in Guatemala. These meals are life saving for many living in extreme poverty in rural areas.
Read MoreContainer Destined for Philippines Will Help Many
Ryan Tormentar with Christian Missionary Baptist Church in Negro, Philippines is anxiously waiting for a container filled with school furnishings, toys, bikes, hygiene items, pillowcase dresses and bedding from the Norfolk warehouse. Also, in this container are 11 pews for a new church getting ready to open its doors. OGT is also funding a shipment…
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