Browsing Tag: Wisconsin

Much Needed Aid En Route to Ukraine

Vitaliy Smolin with Smolin Ministries in Ukraine is anxiously waiting for a shipment of over 7,000 pounds of baked beans, 83,394 Food for Kidz meals, diapers, hygiene supplies, medical equipment, sleeping bags, blankets and other needed items from Wisconsin Branch donors and volunteers. Please continue to pray for Ukraine and an end to this humanitarian…

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Families in Kentucky Thrilled For Arrival of Aid

The Way Community Center in Wingo, KY offers many families food along with household items. They were thrilled to receive a semi-trailer filled with bottled water, 16,000 pounds of various foods, 11,880 Food for Kidz meals, house hold items/furnishings, diapers, medical equipment and other needed items from Wisconsin Branch donors and volunteers in West Field.

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Aid Shipped To Kyrgyzstan

Social Charity Fund Compassion in Kyrgyzstan will soon be receiving student chairs, medical equipment and other aid from Wisconsin Branch in Westfield. The aid will be shared with many living in extreme poverty and students will be thrilled with the desks! Thank you, Wisconsin donors & volunteers!

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Aid Will Bless Many in Need in Peru

ODP Jesuitas del Peru will be receiving a container filled with 6,480 Food for Kidz meals, school furnishings, bikes, medical equipment, diapers, hygiene supplies, and other aid from Wisconsin Branch in Westfield. The organization assists many families and children in schools with the tools to break the cycle of poverty.

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Blessings Shared Brings Joy to Many Faces

Pastor Kollie with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and school in Cotton Tree, Liberia was thrilled to receive a shipment of 71,280 Food for Kidz meals, English Bibles, pews, school desks & furnishings, clothes, pillowcase dresses and other needed aid from donors and volunteers at the Wisconsin Branch in Westfield. What wonderful pictures of the items…

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Aid Shared With Those in Need

Many of these families are very poor because there is not much work or are single parent families. The homes sometimes are one room for many to live with bare cupboards. Those hospitalized are grateful for the diapers and other goods because money is very tight and difficult to afford these. Some were once successful…

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