Browsing Tag: Wisconsin

Aid Arrives in Ukraine

Wisconsin Branch shipment to Ukraine was delivered and unloaded! Vitaly Smolin with Smolin Ministry was thrilled to also be able to keep the container for storage. They received almost 18,000 pounds of various food, 47,520 fortified rice meals, medical equipment, large tent, diapers, blankets and winter clothing. Praise be to God!

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Gifts Delivered to Cornerstone Children’s Ranch

Cornerstone Children’s Ranch in Quemado, TX was grateful to receive 14,256 Kids Against Hunger & Food for Kidz meals, 11,508 pounds of various foods, school supplies and furnishings, medical equipment, hygiene kits, blankets, sleeping mats and clothing from Wisconsin Branch donors and volunteers! What wonderful gifts to serve many in need.

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Aid Loaded Destined for Moldova

Bible Mission International in Moldova will soon be receiving blankets, winter clothing, diapers, medical equipment, sewing machines and supplies along with other aid from Wisconsin Branch in Westfield. BMI serves families living in poverty along with many Ukrainian refugees.

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Aid and Rice Meals Will Help Many in Liberia

Pastor Kollie with Lutheran AID Ministries in Liberia is anxiously waiting for the arrival of 72,280 fortified rice meals, blankets, Bibles, pews, sleeping mats, hygiene & medical supplies and other needed aid from Wisconsin Branch in Westfield. Thank you, Wisconsin donors and volunteers, for showing the love of Christ to many in Liberia.

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Liberia Looking Forward to Aid En Route

Wisconsin Branch volunteers were busy loading 35,640 Food for Kidz meals, canned corn, canned beans, blankets, sleeping mats, pews, clothing accessories, infant diapers hygiene kits, all terrain wheelchairs, school furnishings, school kits/supplies, student desks and chairs, and sewing machines for Liberia. CRCA – Christian Revival Church Association embraces community development and projects while sharing the…

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Shipment Helps Many in Liberia

Pastor Kollie in Liberia sent these touching pictures of food and goods being distributed from OGT’s Wisconsin Branch in Westfield. 29,160 Food for Kidz meals, 168 cases canned corn, 255 cases canned peas, 1 box of candy, blankets, sleeping mats, English Bibles, choir robes, Christian resources, hymnals, pews, clothing and shoes, flip flops, new undies,…

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